What's new in CubicWeb 3.11?
Unlike recent major version of CubicWeb, the 3.11 doesn't come with many API changes or refactorings and introduces a fairly small set of new features. But those are important features!
'pyrorql' sources mapping is now stored in the database instead of a python file in the instance's home. This eases the deployment and maintenance of distributed aplications.
A new 'datafeed' source was introduced, inspired by the soon to be deprecated datafeed cube. It needs polishing but sets the foundation for advanced semantic web applications that import content from others site using simple http request.
A 'datafeed' source is associated to a parser that analyses the imported data and then creates/updates entities accordingly. There is currently a single parser in the core that imports CubicWeb-generated xml and needs to be configured with a mapping information that defines how relations are to be followed. It provides a viable alternative to 'pyrorql' sources. Other parsers to import RDF, RSS, etc should come soon.
A new facet to filter entities based on the source they came from is now available.
The management interface for users, groups, sources and site preferences was simplified so it should be more intuitive to newbies (and others). Most items have been dropped from the user drop-down menu and the simpler views were made available through the '/manage' url.
The default 'index' / 'manage' view has been simplified to deprecate features that rely on external folder and card cubes. That's almost the only deprecation warning you'll get in upgrading to 3.11. Just this one won't hurt!
The old_calendar module has been dropped in favor of jQuery's fullcalendar powered views. That's a great news for applications using calendar features. Since it was added to the exising calendar module, you shouldn't have to change anything to get it working, unless you were using old_calendar in which case you may have to update a few things. This work was initiated by our mexican friends from Crealibre.
As usual, the 3.11 also includes a bunch of other minor enhancements, refactorings and bug fixes. Please download and install CubicWeb 3.11 and report any problem to the mailing-list!