Report of May 26th Cubicweb Meeting
Welcome back to another weekly report! Today, the following topics have been discussed.
Broken tests situation, follow up
Migrating CubicWeb to Heptapod and modifications in dependencies resulted in broken tests as it was presented last week. Work has been done on Friday afternoon thanks to Simon and Laurent, but it's not fixed yet. Tox is now happy but we still have a bug on a test that succeeds locally but not when run by the CI job. We do have a lead which may concern firefox usage in headless mode. Jobs logs are available here.
Milestone update
- Introduced types
Types have been added in Yams, merge request about to be reviewed
We choose to dissociate this issue from the actual release as it's more related to Yams and not mandatory to release a 3.28 version.
- Re-build ReadTheDoc for every release
Done for most of the dependencies but not CubicWeb yet
Two dependencies, mtconvert and constraint don't have doc nor tests, we think about removing them instead of creating and maintaining this code which is pretty old
- Move to semantic versionning
we talked about improving dependencies requirements to ease the release process (not giving only one version)
we think we should stick to semver, but we need to discuss it more (should we bump all major version to the same number for interoperable dependencies, etc...)
As those questions need to be discussed, we choose to move this issue to the 3.29 milestone
- Add tests to content negociation
Need to be done
- Check if ?vid=rdf is still working
We did spot that requesting
or using content negotiation would not return the same RDF. We should fix this to have a more consistent behavior. Will be added for the next release.
Todo before releasing version 3.28
To sum up, before releasing the next CubicWeb version, we need to:
- Fix CI tests
- Add automatic doc re-build to the CubicWeb CI
This should be done and released within the next two weeks.
Side notes
- For the next release we should align CubicWeb with changes made in Yams
- Release early, release often
See you next week!