Follow up of IRI conference about Museums and the Web #museoweb
I attented the conference organised by IRI in a series of conferences about "Muséologie, muséographie et nouvelles formes d’adresse au public" (hashtag #museoweb). This particular occurence was about "Le Web devient audiovisuel" (the web is also audio and video content). Here are a few notes and links we gathered. The event was organised by Alexandre Monnin @aamonnz.

Yves Raimond from the BBC
Yves Raimond @moustaki made a presentation about his work at the BBC around semantic web technologies and speech recognition over large quantities of digitized archives. Parts of the BCC web sites use semantic web data as the database and do mashups with external sources of data (musicbrainz, dbpedia, wikipedia). For example Tom Waits has an html web page : add .rdf at the end of the URL
He also made an introduction about the ABC-IP The Automatic Broadcast Content Interlinking Project and the Kiwi-API project that uses CMU Sphinx on Amazon Web Services to process large quantities of archives. A screenshot of Kiwi-API is shown on the BBC R&D blog. The code should be open sourced soon and should appear on the BBC R&D github page.
Following his presentation, the question was asked if using Wikipedia content on an institutional web site would be possible in France, I pointed to the use of Wikipedia on , for example at the bottom of the Victor Hugo page.
Raphaël Troncy about Media Fragments
Raphaël Troncy @rtroncy made a presentation about "Media Fragments" which will enable sharing parts of a video on the web. Two major features : the sharing of specific extracts and the optimization of bandwith use when streaming the extract (usefull for mobile devices for example). It is a W3C working draft : Here are a few links of demos and players :
- Temporal Media Fragment Test Builds
- NinSuna
- yuma.min.js a javascript framework to annotate videos on the web
Part of the presentation was about the ACAV project done jointly with Dailymotion :
The slides of his presentation are available here :
IRI presentation
Vincent Puig @vincentpuig and Raphaël Velt @raphv made a presentation of various projects led by IRI :
- Lignes des temps : (here is an example of a conference about opendata during which I tweeted : RSLN open data )
- PolemicTweet
- Bubble-T visualization of tweets about the french presidential elections :
- HDA Labs

Final words
The technologies seen during this conference are often related to semantic web technologies or at least web standards. Some of the visualizations are quite impressive and could mean new uses of the Web and an inspiration for CubicWeb projects.
A few of the people present at the conference will be attending or presenting talks at SemWeb.Pro which will take place in Paris on the 2nd and 3rd of may 2012.