CubicWeb Monthly news October-November 2023

We missed the October report, so here is a double monthly report!

October activity report

This month has seen some exciting features around the API cube and its JavaScript libraries. Read on to learn more.

Cube API and JavaScript Clients

Created a JS package to handle forms in React with the API Cube: @cubicweb/react-form-utils. It relies on react-hook-form to control the form element, and yup to validate the data.

As of v0.10.0, users of the API cube now need to manually enable the /login route. This was done to prevent misconfiguration in case the target instance already has some authentication route. See the documentation for more information.

Added support for uploading and downloading files in the API cube. No version has been published yet as we are waiting for the JavaScript client to release a compatible version.


Improved documentation for CubicWebJS. More improvements are in the works.


Started work on removing deprecation warnings in the logilab-common library. These will be available in a future v2.0.0 release.


Started a discussion on exporting a set of CubicWeb schema to use in tests. This would involve creating a repo storing several yams schema, as well as a script to convert them to JSON for use in JavaScript. Will share more information as the discussion progresses.

And as always, various bug fixes in several packages. Check out the development board for more information.

November activity report

This month was mainly focused on cleaning up the code, so no new shiny features sorry!


Continued work on cleaning logilab-common from deprecated code. This refactoring work is nearly finished. We will be able release a v2.0.0 soon.


Created a repo storing yams schema for use in tests. These schema should cover all common cases around attributes and relations, such as constraints and data type. This repo is then able to export those schema as JSON. The next step is to create a NPM package containing those schemas so these can be used in JavaScript tests. This will greatly help writing tests for JavaScript libraries interacting with a CubicWeb schema.


Updated release-new to use mercurial 6 instead of 5. This should fix issues with recent versions of Python.

And as always, various bug fixes in several packages. Check out the development board for more information.

See you next month!